OGRI @ Over the Edge Rally 2016

Over The Edge Rally 2016 April 29th-May 2nd (28th for me an Pete though )

Well after the epic weekend at the Matt Black Spring Rally its was time to head off to a foreign land , Isle Of Wight , Thursday dawned not to
brightly ( unlike me honest ) the Bavarian Twin Tub was covered in camping gear an a few cans of beer an off we go .
First Port of call was Pete’s got there nice an early , after a short hanging about whilst he packed up his Harley off we went , shortly after getting a couple of miles down the road we did a U-Turn as someone had forgotten their booking in slip for the ferry to far off distant lands .

Arrived in Southampton without too much in the way of idiots on the road, we only had 3 moments where the muppets in there tin cans decided to drive like plebs. Boarded the Ferry without issue an for once it wasn’t jammed to the hilt so a nice easy path was found to the bar and a pint for me an Pete was picked up an duly despatched.

Thursday evening myself , Pete and a band of merry typed from all parts of the UK invaded the main marquee and the drinking session was on.
Why head up Thursday you ask ? Easy – less people on the ferry and a  chance to camp near the chalets to keep out of the wind , an boy was it bloody windy, howling actually.

Friday morning dawned brightly , considering the forecast ( which was best described as dire ) it was a pleasant surprise . Slowly but surely the campsite and surrounding area’s filled up with a assortment of weird and wonderful people.  Bumped into a few good friends , Chris an Gizmo kept in constant contact to let me know of there impending arrival , finally they got to the site
an we all retired to the beer tent to sample the local food an bands, after a great evening of music an much laughter it was time to retire to bed.

Bumped into Kirsty and Colin at some point, always a pleasure to see them both.  Saturday a quick run out to a good pub I have been to a few years ago and unlike the other Island Pubs, the beer an food prices were reasonable and Gizmo treated me to a meal .
After returning to the site a quick afternoon siesta was had by myself and once again we headed to the beer tent which was heaving with people, Chris then presented us with Swords ( no not real ones I’m not allowed near sharp things ) an much fun was had by all , the beer flowed an Gizmo was given attention by a certain Lady ( oo’er wink wink , say no more eh ) ! There was also someone else there an between myself , Chris an Gizmo were still not sure if it was male or female . Table dancing was performed by all with much vigour .

Stan & Co had in fact provided all New Tables which was rather nice but also caused a few people to get splinters in unfortunate places ( oops )
Sunday people were packing up but the die hards me Chris an Gizmo were here for the duration , at some point we thought it would be a good idea to pull Gizmo’s baffle out of his exhaust an failed even after looking on Youtube an watching someone remove there’s with two fingers , imagine 3 blokes with multi-tools all tugging on the bloody thing an it just sitting there an not budging .

Later on the silly games were getting in the full swing , seeing Stan semi-naked isn’t a pleasant sight , thankfully a few ladies also removed clothes though to make up for it .
After yet another siesta , yup beer tent again , less crowded but still a great night was had by all .

Monday morning I had to shoot off a bit early to get some meds sorted but got to the ferry eventually and headed for home , still no duty free’s on the ferry which is annoying to say the least .

by Bob aka Pug