Covid FAQ

We’re guessing you’ll have some Covid questions about our “Covid Safe Entry” – hopefully the answers are here !

If not, please contact us and we’ll do our best to answer.

Why lateral flow tests, I’ve been jabbed?

Not everyone has had all their jabs, either due to age, personal choice or for medical reasons. By doing the free test, everyone gets a fair chance at attending.

I’ve had Covid, confirmed by PCR test and I’ve completed by isolation phase. A lateral flow test will still show me as positive ?

Bring the proof of your positive PCR Test, and providing you have completed your isolation you fall under “Natural Immunity” for 90 days (including isolation time). However you must NOT attend if you are displaying symptoms.

Why not use the NHS Covid Pass scheme?

Even if you have had all your jabs, you can still catch Covid.  A simple negative test results gives you, us and everyone else a bit more peace of mind.

NHS Track and Trace app – I’m not using it!

That’s fair enough, we know some people can’t use the app for work or other reasons. If you don’t use our NHS QR code, we’ll ask you to leave your contact details instead – no different to checking into a campsite or a hotel.

I’m not sure about all this – can I wear a mask?

Feel free ! Everyone is going to have to adjust to being in large groups and getting some sense of normality – wear one or not, the choice is yours now, no one will be judging.

I’ve got a Summer Rally 2020 ticket – what do I do ?

Just make sure you are happy with our new Covid entry and terms & conditions, if so great ! If not, please get in touch @ and we’ll refund you.

Argh – it’s too “Peoplely” !

Need some space ? Take some ! Go for a walk, take 10 mins in your tent. It might be a bit weird to start with…..but good (we hope!)

Can I leave site once I’m there?

We’d encourage folks to stay on-site for the duration of the event, but if you need to pop out, that’s fair enough.

Know your limits when it comes to the drink.

Yeah, we know – pot kettle black.  Some people are lockdown beer-fit, some have gone tee-total. People may react in a different way to banter and jokes than they did 18 months ago. 

I’ve tested negative, but I’m not feeling too good whilst on site

Stay at your tent, don’t go wandering around. Get a message to/see one of OGRI MCC onsite.

If its not one of our complimentary hangovers,  you may be asked to leave site as soon as possible, with minimal contact with others.  Better to be safe than sorry.

This is all a bit OTT for a bike club isn’t it?

Keep this quiet, but even OGRI MCC can be responsible at times !

This is one of those times. We need to make sure we’re protecting you and us, in a fair way, so we can get some kind of life back.

Its not foolproof, but these are new times and we need to show our social responsibilities.  We want to try and make sure everyone feels safe.


If the OGRI MCC event is cancelled due National or Local Covid restrictions a full refund (available for a specified period of time) or transfer of tickets will be offered. This does not cover non- attendance, i.e you can not attend but the event is still proceeding.

It is likely that there may be some forms of restrictions in place at the time of the event  and these will be announced in our terms of entry and updated on our web site prior to the event.   

Someone changed the Covid rules!

We’re really hoping that nothing changes after Step 4 of the Roadmap, but everyone is learning as we deal with this. If we have to do things differently or things change, we’ll try and keep you updated as soon as we know.

Refusal to acknowledge and abide by any rules or regulations that OGRI MCC need to implement, may lead to being refused entry or asked to leave the event. 

Testing Positive Refunds – OGRI Summer Rally 2021

If within 36 hours before arriving to the OGRI MCC Summer Rally event (& you have a pre-purchased ticket), you test positive for Covid 19 having used an NHS Approved Lateral Flow test or a PCR test, we will issue you with a refund to the face value of your ticket, or you can rollover your ticket to the next event.

1- Photo evidence with you holding the positive test next to your face clearly showing the serial number on the test kit.

2- A copy of the email or text you received from the NHS covid app confirming you are Covid 19 positive.  This must show the Lateral Flow test serial number that matches your photo.

3- We will need details of your ticket & order number.

Once we have verified all is in order with the above, we will sort out your refund – This should be within 21 days after the event finishes.