Welcome to Ogri MCC

Brave the Shave – Live at the Summer Rally

As you may have seen on our social media, Caroline, aka Caz aka Lady Lane is taking part in Brave the Shave at the Summer Rally 2024.

Whether you’re shaving your head or donating to a shavers big moment, your support means Macmillan can continue to do whatever it takes and provide physical, financial and emotional support to people living with cancer.

“Hi, I am Caz, I know so many people who have cancer and unfortunately I know more then one close to me who has it. I really want to do something to give back and this is my way of doing it. I also work with people who have cancer and I see how hard it is for families to cope with at times. So I need to do something to help and this is my way. X”


As well as being able to sponsor Caz here, there will be an auction at the Summer Rally with the highest bidder being able to shave Caz’ – live Caz’s head !

Bring your wallets and help OGRI raise funds to help support people with cancer !

Not got your 2024 Summer Rally tickets yet ? Hop over here and get them today