Boos and Booze Halloween Party !

OGRI MCC is having an OPEN to ALL Halloween party on 30th October 2021 – doors open at 6pm.

As it’s not a bike rally, feel free to turn up in the car or camper but no arriving on broomsticks – it is an active airfield !

We’ll hopefully have some live music for you, there will be the OGRI bonfire, some basic grub to keep you fed, a fancy dress competition and of course, our late bar !

If you are bone to be wild, fancy laughin’ till you coffin, just hanging out with your ghoul friends or you are just here for the boos and getting sheet-faced we’ll see you there !

Boos and Booze Halloween Party at OGRI MCC

Conditions of Entry

  • For anyone 12 years of age and over you will be required to take a NHS approved Lateral Flow Test before you leave home (WITHIN 36 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVING ON THE OGRI MCC SITE)
  • Don’t feel too special, OGRI MCC will be doing the same.
  • Valid Proof is : Negative Lateral Flow/Rapid Antigen test within 36 hrs OR Negative PCR within 36 hrs OR Positive PCR test between 18th August ’21 and 18th October ‘21 (i.e completed isolation and have natural immunity and showing NO symptoms)
  • We only accept the NHS Email/Text results NOT THE PHYSICAL TEST or photo
  • We know it isn’t perfect but we’re just trying to do the right thing by everyone.