Hi all,
It been a very busy couple of months for all of us at OGRI MCC, and now that the dust is starting to settle, I wanted to take the opportunity to provide a quick update.
As many of you are aware, we had our Summer rally on the August Bank Holiday, we were graced with some amazing weather and as always, you lot, the best friends and visitors anyone could wish for. The rally yet again was a great success and I would like to thank you all on behalf of the Club for spending your bank holiday with us and making it such a great party. I also need to take this chance to thank every member of OGRI MCC who worked tirelessly in the weeks leading up to the rally, during the rally and after the rally to make it such a great success, without such dedicated members, we couldn’t hold this event. So, from me to you; you are all amazing and I cannot thank you enough.
As some of you may have heard, we have lost a couple of brothers in the August, both a complete shock to us and all that knew them. Both our brothers have taken their final ride in this world, we just hope they are keeping a space at the bar for the rest of us.
RIP Uwe, Ride Free Brother
RIP Dave ‘Dog’ Vaughan, Ride Free Brother
Gone but not forgotten.
Looking forward to 2018, it’s our 40th Birthday ! Yep that’s right, OGRI MCC is only gonna be middle aged. That’s 40 years of some serious riding and partying, and we certainly don’t intend to stop!
With that in mind, we will be celebrating our special year as much as we can, as often as we can. This will be starting at the Kick Start Rally (26- 28th January 2018), get it in your diary, tickets will be on sale soon. Please keep a look out on the Ogri MCC friends and Family Face Book page as well as our website, www.ogrimcc.org for upcoming parties and events.
Before I sign off, I would like to congratulate all the new Full Colour Members to the family, and not forgetting the new Prospects we have on board. Good luck guys.
Again, thank you all for partying with us, and here is to a great rest of 2017 and an amazing 2018 !